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✨Over the last few years…

I’ve looked around and seen direct sellers go from being OVER-THE-MOON elated about their new businesses to being under-the-bridge deflated overnight when they hit one setback.
What do you think causes this?
I believe it’s fear.

They quit because they’re too scared to keep going.

They don’t believe it’ll ever pan out.

They don’t think they’ll ever “arrive” no matter how hard they try.

So they quietly fade into the background, hoping the rest of the world will forget about their little silly “business.”

I mean, who do they think they are anyway? You have to be pretty important to actually get people to listen to you, right?

RIGHT, actually.

But guess what… YOU ARE IMPORTANT!

You need to remember: the only way to truly fail is to GIVE UP.

Unfortunately, some people give up on their dream before they even get started.

I’ve known people who have bought a kit and were SO excited, then the next day, they dropped off the face of the earth. #Kitnappers

What happens to these people???

They are surrounded by dreamstealers.

Today, I want you to take a breath of renewed confidence and DARE to DREAM AGAIN!

Why NOT dare to dream bigger than you ever thought you could; we’re talking GOD-SIZED dreams: the ones so GINORMOUS that you’re simply gonna need Him to move for you to make it happen!

The dreamstealers: the people who are telling you that you can’t do it, that you can’t do what you want on your terms, that you can’t retire at 35, that you can’t be a millionaire, that you’ll never make an impact on world hunger, that you’ll never get your family out of debt…

Well, if you BELIEVE them?

They’re right. Because your belief has to start from within.

In order to take your dreams and turn them into your success, you need to be a person of integrity…

I have people ask me all the time about my #InstaHappyRich: Rock Your Biz on Instagram program and wonder if it’s “right” for them.

I guess they expect me to try to rope ’em in with some longwinded reason about why I’m the greatest thing since sliced pizza…

But the truth is: NOT EVERYONE should enroll with me!

Not everyone is ready for our journey; they’re not ready for more success; they’re not ready for more people who want to work with them.

And I tell them the truth based on what they share with me whether they’re a good fit or not.

And they ALWAYS thank me for my honesty and tell me it’s a breath of fresh air to have someone tell them the TRUTH for once instead of spew a one-size-fits-all sales pitch.

What you have may not be suited for every single person out there.

But what’s important is that you stand behind what you believe in & share that passion with everyone you encounter.

It’s not really who YOU know; it’s who THEY know and can introduce you to! ?

That dream-stealer might just put you in touch with people to take you farther in life. You never know!

Be a positive influence! #WINNING is controversial, after all. It’s controversial because it’s exclusive.

You don’t get participation trophies in real life…

COMMITMENT is also one of those elusive things in this new millennium.

How many people do you know have tried things and 3 weeks later are onto the NEXT thing? They keep sticking their toes into different projects hoping to get lucky instead of realizing that success = work (at least in the beginning!)

I challenge you to COMMIT today: to yourself, to your business, to all the people who need what you have.

When you feel discouraged beyond belief, what’s going to give you that extra edge is your commitment to succeeding beyond all doubt!

You can’t always count on the people around you to motivate you; you’ve got to find that deep inside yourself.

So when that terrible feeling strikes, the best thing you can do is BREAK.

Instead of flat-out throwing in the towel, take a vacation from your biz for a day or two.

It’s astounding what a fresh perspective will give you.

Now I’d love to hear from you!

Has anybody been extra icky lately and you just want to crawl in a hole and forget about it foreverrrr? ? Head over to @CharityNicoleXOXO and tell me all about it. I’d love to encourage you.

Don’t worry– there’s no shame in the #InstaHappyRich game! We’re growing better, never bitter. We are building an amazing tribe of #InstaHappyRich entrepreneurs using Instagram to build their biz every day. Your story could be what someone else needs to read to keep going on their journey! Building a business is not easy; that’s why we’re all in this together!

If you have friends or a teammate who needs this today, would you be so kind to share it with them? You could be the change someone else needs in their biz!

Thanks so much in advance for commenting and sharing. You are truly Instamazing. ? Have an #InstaHappyRich day.

Hugs, hope and hashtags!


? Charity

You deserve to have the freedom life you’re chasing after! Make small, incremental tweaks every week and you WILL get there!

✨ As always, I’m here for you to help you achieve bigger and bigger success on your journey. To get started on an excellent foot, check out ALL THE FREE GIFTS & GOODIES I made for you which will help you get followers & signups using IG starting today!

✨Ready to become a Sales Siren that makes all the prospects drool with delight over your products and clamour to be on your team? Treat yourself to some fabulous trainings & shop the BIZ BOUTIQUE today!

✨ I don’t JUST teach how to post cute pictures on Instagram; I teach COMPLETE marketing systems and secrets so YOU can BE the Prospect Princess that gets ALL the peeps signed up with you! If you’re ready to FINALLY receive that paycheck you’ve been dreaming of? Here’s how to WORK WITH ME.

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More posts? Comin’ right up!

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