For direct sellers, network marketers and MLM gals who want to BE dazzling, get more customers and climb the ranks WITHOUT annoying everyone in sight. (Let’s leave your crazy Aunt Georgette alone already.)
Hey girl, can we talk?
Are you trying SO HARD to get more customers, BUT… You feel OVERWHELMED and paralyzed with too many ideas?
I mean, even though you COULD be doing ANYTHING to sell your stuff, you CAN’T. DO. EVERYTHING!
…and you don’t even know where to start.
Are you DYING to simplify things?
Like, are you stretched soooo impossibly thin trying to run a Facebook group and doing livestream after livestream and just waiting for someone to care?
Are you SICK and TIRED of being told that you aren’t working hard ENOUGH?
(And it sorta makes you wanna punch someone? Or cry in a corner because you wonder if maybe they’re *gasp*… RIGHT?)
Are you STRUGGLING, feeling broken and bruised, and wondering WHAT these top earners are HIDING from you???
You might find yourself thinking…
“Am I really meant to do this?”
“Will I ever be important and make it BIG?”
“Is it even POSSIBLE for me to grow my business without spending all my time, money and energy?”
“Maybe I should just quit… This is just too hard.”
Listen, growing a business takes WORK.
You may have gotten more than you bargained for when you started, but you’re NOT ready to give up.
I KNOW you don’t want to spend another day feeling hopeless, terrified, anxious, burnt out and circling severe depression because you want to make this work SO badly! (Ask me how I know what that feels like.)
Let me tell you: there IS a HAPPIER, EASIER, WAYYYY MORE BLISSFUL method of getting customers and teammates in a way that ACTUALLY feels amazing…
Making a delightful living through your biz IS possible for YOU!
What if I told you that we could build your influence, create your charming persona, and fill your inbox with messages about how to work with YOU… ALL through harnessing the power of social selling mixed with the world’s foremost platform: INSTAGRAM!
Your business isn’t JUST a business… it’s your ticket to FREEDOM.
The reason you’re struggling is NOT because you aren’t GOOD enough…
It’s not that you aren’t smart enough…
It’s not that you aren’t TRYING hard enough…
You’re just not equipped with the right skills to reach the RIGHT people that will sign up with you… YET.
And it’s not even your fault!
Your company and upline are sending you on a wild goose chase, telling you all these things to do:
? book parties
? do Facebook constantly
? post a story 3 times per day
? add people to your free group without their permission
? message everyone you know asking them to be a “product tester”
? make a hundreds list and beg your first dentist, your mom’s first grade teacher and your mailman to join your team
Sis, all that sounds TERRIBLE. It’s like this horrible, un-fun to-do list that doesn’t even get results.
You don’t WANT to be THAT girl, right?
That kinda behavior seriously damages your rep — NO one is answering HER messages and you know it.
Instead… Wouldn’t it be nice to know you have online systems in place that will actually bring in fresh customers consistently without blowing your budget, eating up your time or squandering your precious energy?
Instagram isn’t just something you COULD be on… It’s THE thing you NEED to be on.
It’s time for YOU to become an Instagram Rockstar who knows THE RIGHT kind of people to connect with so you can grow your team, your customer base AND your paycheck.
If you actually WATCH the top earners REALLY build their businesses?
They aren’t doing ANY of those things they tell YOU to do…
at least not the way you think. So… what DO they actually do?
It’s high time you got your life back and stopped FOCUSING ON STRATEGIES THAT SIMPLY DON’T WORK ANYMORE.
Instagram is the BEST place to meet new people who are PERFECT for your team in the cheapest, easiest, simplest, fastest way possible.
But it’s not enough to JUST hop on Instagram…
My dear, you MUST use the proper social selling prowess get prospects to notice you, care and of course, BUY.
When you invest in learning these skills, you’ll able to take all your new persuasion powers with you to ANY platform and see them work for ANY business.
You’ll command and keep attention, interest and loyalty EASILY.
The secret to success is right here at your fingertips.
ALL of this is possible through a little system I put together called Irresistible on Instagram.
Irresistible on Instagram is a 6-week program that teaches you the *specific* steps to growing your team through IG by signing up people that will LOVE you and ONLY want to do business with YOU.
Isn’t it time for your prospects to:
I want you to understand…
Instagram isn’t just something you COULD be on… It’s THE thing you NEED to be on.
You don’t have time to play around anymore. You need a tried and true, proven path to more signups, higher paychecks and endless adoration RIGHT NOW.
+ STAND OUT with your IG account so the people who need your help the MOST can easily FIND you.
+ Identify what makes YOU as a person DIFFERENT not DUPLICATABLE from all the other reps to give your biz a delectable, irresistible flavor they MUST choose.
+ Confidently COMMUNICATE your flavor in a way that makes complete sense to prospects so you’ll FINALLY be seen as a LEADER by all in your company.
+ Grow in esteem and feel PROUD of the LEGACY you’re building for your family and your future.
+ Optimize EVERY part of your Instagram account and social selling strategy for EASY “yesses.”
+ Design a CLEAR path for your audience to follow that will lead to THEM reaching out to YOU, already in a state of being “READY-TO-BUY.”
+ Develop a top-notch brand persona that will cause the RIGHT people to feel a DEEP connection to you and feel compelled to give you money.
+ Add hundreds of quality, TARGETED prospects to your Instagram month after month so you can build real momentum that never runs dry.
+ Use SIMPLE, yet wildly effective lead-generating strategies that always keep your well filled with fresh faces.
+ Get a steady stream of signups & sales coming in ALL THE TIME for maximum moolah, minimum effort.
+ Craft powerful, heartpunching posts that BUILD TRUST and DRIVE SALES, so that people buy from you again and again like hotcakes on steroids.
+ Create so much excitement and buzz about your biz through your posts (without having to barely try) that your prospects are BEGGING for a chance to team up with you.
+ Finally feel like you have ARRIVED so people KNOW instantly YOU are someone to watch.
I’m about to teach you EXACTLY how to build a thriving base of prospects who will become teammates that adore you and customers who will buy from you again and again.
EVEN IF you’re brand new to Instagram
EVEN IF you’ve never run a business before and you’ve been told your thing is a “pyramid scheme”
EVEN IF you haveSTRUGGLED forever to figure this out on your own
…and A LOT of support and encouragement along the way.
For the most part, getting people to sign up with you is not THAT hard.
What’s hard is the suckage that happens when you’re not sure exactly WHAT you’re supposed to be doing (or worse, when will you actually find the TIME to do all the things!)
SO, isn’t it time YOU had a clear path to getting more signups?
Would you like to accomplish this SO fast that 6 weeks from now, future you will be beaming from ear to ear, so happy and confident in your biz?
You can BE that. (Even if it feels like you’ve been stuck for ages.)
You could have a simple proven plan to get signups, in just 6 weeks that only takes you a fraction of the time it does NOW to bring in new people.
Whether you’re working hard to:
✨build that dream life
✨take more family vacations
✨retire your spouse
✨escape the 9-5
✨be debt-free
✨stay at home with the kids
✨have some major spending money
#InstaHappyRich: Irresistible on Instagram is THE answer to your prayers!
Inside Irresistible on Instagram, here’s what awaits you:
A step-by-step system for learning how to prospect successfully using IG which will drastically improve your powers of persuasion. You’ll know how to reach MORE people effectively– the RIGHT people who will LOVE you and choose you above everyone in your industry!
6 powerful sparkle steps with my personal guidance coaching you every step of the way! I am giving you a foolproof plan for exactly what to do!
My top-secret Marketing Without Manipulation™ method that’ll help you run your biz with bliss, peace, nonstop FUN and paramount success! (Say GOODBYE to panic attacks & sleepless nights, darling.)
All my mastered methods and stellar strategies that are tried, tested and true. I’ve been selling myself on social since 2004 and I’m totally dumping out my brain so YOU will achieve the same success I enjoyed getting sales EASILY using this delicious platform.
Let me ask you a question…
When was the last time you felt HOPEFUL AND EXCITED about your business?
If you are…
…TIRED of listening to psycho workaholics telling you it’s all your fault for not pushing harder, “running” faster, and doing more stuff
…SICK of feeling like a failure, stressing over where your next customer is coming from
…DESPERATE to grow your business with confidence and EASE so you can FINALLY have your freedom life
…then Irresistible on Instagram is absolutely perfect for you.
A few examples of what my students have achieved…

Marilyn got her first customer within 1 month of starting her Instagram account.

Abbie added 1,000 followers to her brand new IG account in just 30 days.

Rosilda gained 500 followers and a new teammate from Instagram within the first 2 weeks of the program.

Jennifer promoted to a new level in her biz within 2 months of completing the program.
IMPORTANT: Results like these are NOT TYPICAL for business owners outside of our #InstaHappyRich family because Irresistible on Instagram is NOT YOUR TYPICAL online program.
If you want results like these, it will NOT happen from “trying to figure it out” by yourself.
Going it ALONE only leads to wayyy MORE stress, years of wasted time and thousands of missed opportunities.
Irresistible on Instagram is specially designed for direct sellers, network marketers and MLM gals (but this program can help ANY solopreneur who wants to use Instagram as their personal money machine!)
Our students include:
It Works! Distributors
Younique Presenters
Jamberry / BeneYou Associates
Senegence / Lipsense Distributors
Rodan + Fields Consultants
Nerium / Neora Brand Partners
Jeunesse Distributors
Kannaway Brand Ambassadors
Norwex Consultants
Young Living Brand Ambassadors
Paparazzi Consultants
Premier Designs Jewelers
Monat Market Partners
dōTERRA Advocates
Service Providers + Coaches
Independent Product Creators
…and MORE! (that’s just a small sample)
(If you’re STILL not sure if Irresistible on Instagram will work for your particular business, feel free to send any Qs my way HERE!)
And MORE importantly, you’ll be changing lives! Doesn’t that FEEL GOOD… INCREDIBLE… AMAZING?!
Here’s what running an #InstaHappyRich biz looks like:
? Sharing your products/opportunity with CONFIDENCE because you know EXACTLY how your audience feels and what they REALLY need so you can FULFILL their deepest longings and desires (which creates LOYALTY to you
? Feeling intimately CONNECTED with your people so they automatically trust you and are ready-to-buy because they can see you have their best interest at heart
? A DEEP SENSE of purposeful bliss because you’re building your life around your passion and sharing the goodness with others who actually WANT your help
Irresistible on Instagram is a comprehensive, all-in-one IMMERSION + ACTION PLAN to bring you MORE friends, followers, funds & freedom.
You’ll be able to:
+ COMMUNICATE online in a way that makes you DIFFERENT, not duplicatable so you stand out from every other person in your industry.
+ ATTRACT the RIGHT people particularly for you and your business so you never have to “cold message” anyone EVER again.
+ GROW not just a following, but a FANBASE that will follow you for life so you can receive the full-time income of your dreams.
+ BUILD your influence so that your targeted audience sees you as a friend and trusts you implicitly.
+ GET SIGNUPS without trying so hard or spending hours a day attached to your phone.
+BE “in the know” and CREATE posts that delight your prospects and make it an EASY decision to work with you and buy from you.
+ FOLLOW a CLEAR AND SIMPLE PATH where people are DELIGHTED to purchase with zero weird pressure.
+ Add a MORE CUSTOMERS and TEAMMATES month after month in a way that FEELS GOOD without overwhelm, confusion, anxiety or plain exhaustion.
+ BECOME FREE from the bonds of a soul-crushing job that doesn’t fulfill you.
+ UNLEASH your spouse from the 9-5 so he can stop trading dollars for hours and enjoy your family.
+ RUN a STEADFAST enterprise that steadily pays your bills and provides FUN money.
+ ENCOURAGE AND INFLUENCE the downhearted and provide hope to the suffering through your story.
+ PROVIDE TIME AND MONEY to worthy causes and transform the world.
+ SAVOR THE PEACE AND SATISFACTION that comes from total certainty of your skills and abilities to generate revenue and achieve time / financial freedom for LIFE.
Loving #TRUTHBOMBS. Ready?
Just because you HAVE an Instagram account DOESN’T mean you’re making any moolah from it. Throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks is NOT a great strategy.
All your efforts so far are not reflecting the success you’re TRULY capable of.
Your success doesn’t just define your business— it defines who YOU are.
You HAVE been able to survive somewhat in your biz thus far, otherwise you probably wouldn’t be reading this.
But this is about more than surviving. It’s about THRIVING.
What would it feel like to thrive in your life & business, never having to worry whether your next paycheck was going to be enough?
What would it feel like to know that when you & your spouse go on date night, the check is covered by your income?
What would it feel like to be able to take your family to Disneyland (or even Graceland) if that’s your fancy?
What would it feel like to know all your efforts and hard work are paying off without you having to DO MORE?
My students have made Instagram their personal money machines, gaining more customers and signups month after month…
They came to me because they TRIED to figure it out on their own and FAILED. They SUFFERED through months (or even years!) of anxiety, depression, pain and missed opportunities all because they DIDN’T have a step-by-step system to follow.
You have two choices…
Keep wasting all your time, energy, money and effort “trying to figure it out on your own” with absolutely nothing to show for it.
Take 6 short weeks to implement the exact steps that have worked for me and HUNDREDS of others (just like you!) and watch the notifications start pouring in from all your new customers and teammates! Woot woot!
Irresistible on Instagram includes tested and proven strategies that have allowed me and hundreds of my students to get new prospects coming in ALL. THE. TIME. Our paychecks have soared, our social presence is invaluable, our confidence is contagious. And YOU can have the same.
SPARKLE STEP 1: Become a Social Media Maven

{Value: $297}
THE foundation on which everything else you do rests– if you DON’T have this stuff in place, your marketing will be scattered & feel exhausting… This is your road map to ultimate success! You’ll dig into WHY Instagram is the new Facebook & how you can leverage this magical platform even BETTER than ANYTHING else to run your business.
Be DIFFERENT, NOT duplicatable so you can be THE go-to girl for your company
Craft your personal life and brand story EASILY so that potential customers & teammates will find you totally AWE-INSPIRING + really resonate with you
Find JOY in the process of selling your stuff
Hold the key to winning over the hearts of your audience by setting yourself up for success from the start
Video lessons walking you through every part of the step
$47FREE BONUS! Glitter Guide: “Basics of IG for Your Biz!”$47FREE BONUS! Glitter Guide: “Your Hero’s Journey: Craft Your Story!”24/7 access to our online student sisterhood
SPARKLE STEP 2: Become a Prospect Princess

{Value: $297}
Get ready for your CONTENT CRASHCOURSE! I’m giving you the magic elixir here: the perfect combo of posting stuff that feels true to your essence AND also appeals to your audience.
Post just like your fave magazine does — your audience will devour it!
Create what your peeps are actually craving in 10 minutes or less to captivate your potential customers from the start
Post what feels GOOD so your prospect list will grow by the hundreds every month
Get clear on who YOU want in your biz so you can laser focus on targeting them
Become the person your prospects have been waiting for to sign them up!
Video lessons walking you through every part of the step
$47FREE BONUS! Glitter Guide: “Be a Prospect Princess!”$47FREE BONUS! Glitter Guide: “Make It Shimmer!”24/7 access to our online student sisterhood
SPARKLE STEP 3: Become InstaFamous

{Value: $297}
You want engagement? I’ll SHOW YA engagement! Not only do we want people caring about your posts, BUT we want to obviously generate more numbers in your notifications box ANNDD your paycheck. #AmIRight?! Let’s get LOADS of new followers coming to your profile every single day to check out what you have to offer!
Add hundreds of fresh, targeted followers month after month so you can build real momentum for your biz because MORE followers = MORE money…
Get ACTUAL prospects liking and commenting on your stuff (not weird spam bots or random marketers)
Keep your followers obsessed with you & your posts
Use unique, specialized tools that will keep prospects finding your profile each day with zero extra effort on your part
$47FREE BONUS! Glitter Guide: “#InstaFamous: Track Your Stardom!”$47FREE BONUS! Glitter Guide: “Competitor Crush!”24/7 access to our online student sisterhood
SPARKLE STEP 4: Clone Yourself

{Value: $297}
You are about to hold the key to true freedom: maximizing your time! We are going to SAVE you mega-tons of energy using systems to help you be in “multiple places at once”… without breaking any rules! We’ll run your promotions in just a few hours a week TOTAL so you can concentrate on the other important part: signing the people up and getting them started right.
Automatically schedule posts at the absolute best time of day to maximize your visibility
Set up the ultimate strategy to bring in followers galore using my Marketing without Manipulation™ method
Brilliantly love up your audience without tons of effort and keep your profile popular
Use my “Map, Batch & Bang it Out” system so you can run your entire IG strategy in less than 3 hours per week
Video lessons walking you through every part of the step
$47FREE Bonus! Glitter Guide: “Choose Your Own Instaventure!”24/7 access to our online student sisterhood
SPARKLE STEP 5: Become a Signup Siren

{Value: $297}
Once you have loads of peeps coming to your profile, you have to know how to actually sign ‘em up! You will be set apart from the sea of other direct sellers out there. Your prospects will be able to sense your dedication and sincerity, so they ONLY choose you! You’ll create charming captions that will make your audience swoon + drool. You’ll know exactly the kind of words that make people FEEL anticipation what you offer. You’ll touch their soul, reel in the sale and help them get the result they’re dreaming of!
Follow up with your red-hot prospects easily (without feeling like you’re bothering them)
Get prospects messaging YOU with more questions (you’ll never annoy anyone again!)
Use my “Yellow Brick Road” method to help your prospects get pumped about your products/opportunity
Video lessons walking you through every part of the step
$47FREE Bonus! Glitter Guide: “Conquer Those Conversions!”$47FREE Bonus! Glitter Guide: “Conversation Queen!”24/7 access to our online student sisterhood
SPARKLE STEP 6: WINstagram… Become InstaHappyRich!

{Value: $297}
Now that you have people coming to you every day, step up your game with winning power strategies! You will be leaps & bounds ahead of ALL the other gals in your company. We’re gonna wrap up with some extra tidbits you can add to your Instagram marketing for OOMPH, baby.
Gain maximum impact by getting people to refer you to their friends
Manage your whole marketing plan in 30 minutes a day or less
Know exactly what to do every day to grow your biz on autopilot
Keep people coming back to you for MORE
Video lessons walking you through every part of the step
$47FREE Bonus! Glitter Guide: “Classy Contests!”$47FREE Bonus! Glitter Guide: “Work-Smart Cookie!”24/7 access to our online student sisterhood
Ohhhh, yeah… and…

(Bonus #1) Crash Course: Get Your First 6K Followers!
✨VALUE: $197✨
- For beginner and intermediate users
- The SIMPLE, EASY way I got my first 6k followers (so you can copy me)
$47FREE Bonus! Glitter Guide: “Perfect Pick-Me-Up!”$47FREE Bonus! Section: “365 Post Ideas!”

(BONUS #2) The 5-Day Instaventure
✨VALUE: $197✨
- STAND OUT from the start using my 5-Words method
- Craft your Best Bio Ever!

(BONUS #3) Done-for-You Graphics
✨VALUE: $197!✨
- Get a head start with 60+ Prepared Graphics
- Customize with your own words
- Visually set yourself apart from everyone else

(BONUS #4) 365 Pick-and-Choose Quotes
✨VALUE: $197!✨
- A new quote every day for your InstaStories or Posts
- Total time + brain-saver
- Establish an alluring “bossbabe” style vibe on your profile

(BONUS #5) Graphic Creation Made EASY
✨VALUE: $197✨
- Quickly design your OWN picture posts without tech hassles
- Grab instant attention
- Express your creativity and have loads of FUN!
$47FREE Bonus! Section: “My Fave Stock Sites”$47FREE Bonus! Glitter Guides: “My Best iPhone + Android Graphic Apps”

(BONUS #6) Fill-in-the-Blank Sales Templates
✨VALUE: $197✨
- 57 Done-For-You Sales & Promo Posts
- Advertise your biz online without feeling spammy
- Generate massive interest for what you’re selling
$47FREE Bonus! Section: “Promo Post 101 for DIY Sales Captions”

(BONUS #7) Be Visionary w/ Video
✨VALUE $197✨
- Gain confidence + identify your personal charisma so appearing on camera is no longer terrifying
- Use video WITHOUT your face so you can still show up & be seen
- Become prepped + poised for livestreams
$47FREE Bonus! Section: “My Best iPhone, Android + Computer Video Apps”$47FREE Bonus! Glitter Guide: “52 Vid Ideas”$47FREE Bonus! Section: “My 52 in 520 Method to Batch a Year’s Worth of Vids in One Day”
You’re about to gain the supportive sisterhood you’ve always WISHED for!
Includes… The Sparkly Student Sisterhood Community
Wanna have some friends, support and accountability? Want some personalized feedback? Want some like-minded peers who GET IT to do this with you? I gotcha covered! You’ll have clarity and community from peers just like you! (How can you put a price on having LIFETIME SUPPORT in your biz?! OH… and foreverinfinity as long as this group exists, you’ll be able to chat with me, ask Qs and get personal help!)

After all, you deserve to be THIS excited about your future:
In 6 weeks you can have:
+ A social fanclub that loves you and throws $$$ at you
+ Tons more customers and teammates
+ A thriving business with purpose
+ And WAY LESS stress and mess in your life
…so choose your plan NOW.
“Charity is great at what she does— she has such a kind-hearted, yet motivating and honest way of educating. You can tell she genuinely wants to see everyone (including you!) succeed and thus, she puts tremendously helpful material into the course as well as well as her 1-1 responses inside our group. It’s only been 2 weeks into Irresistible on Instagram, but by simply implementing a few of the suggested tools, I’ve increased my followers by about 500 and I’ve had over 80 clicks on the link in my bio which has resulted in a huge increase to my email list. I even had a NEW prospect join my team which originated from Instagram! These numbers are growing DAILY and tbh, I haven’t even implemented ALL of what Charity has already shown us yet! I can only imagine what other wonderful results await from Charity’s #InstaHappyRich way.”
– Rosilda Xavier, Experior Financial Group

“I so appreciate your wisdom! I didn’t even understand why I needed Instagram in the beginning. I tried it, but it certainly wasn’t benefiting me. Since I started working it the #InstaHappyRich way about 2 months ago, I went from 300 followers to 5000 just yesterday! Even better? I’ve had a HUGE daily increase in traffic on my website— it’s skyrocketing! Which is actually now converting to sales. I feel amazing. THANK YOU!”
(a few months after writing this, Christie was a presenter for her original product on Shark Tank!) #what?! #yeahthathappened
– Christie Frankenstein, Realtor and Original Product Creator

“Eeek! So excited to share— today, I signed up a new marketing partner in Canada! It’s the first day we’ve launched there and I never would have been able to introduce my business to this gal if it weren’t for Charity and this awesome Instagram training.”
– Elizabeth Pennywell, Bridal Stylist and Monat Market Partner

Ready to say “I DO!”? Enroll with us TODAY!
“Oh my goodness, I’m SO in!”
Now all you have to do is pick the payment option that works best for you! If you choose the split-pay plan, you’ll only pay the 1st portion today and the 2nd payment will come out automatically next month. No matter what your financial situation, building your biz the #InstaHappyRich way is accessible and affordable. Your payment is 100% safe – it’s secured by PayPal and you can use any payment method PayPal accepts.
“YES, PLEASE! I need this more than CHOCOLATE!” ?
ALL the Sparkle Steps *6 comprehensive action steps of awesomeness!* ($1782 VALUE!)
- Video lessons walking you through each step of the program ($946 VALUE!)
- 24/7 complete VIP access for me to personally help tweak your bio and answer any question you have, ever, inside our private, intimate Sisterhood Facebook Group ($4997 VALUE!)
- ALL of the bonuses to soar your success to ever-increasing heights ($2272 VALUE!)
TOTAL VALUE = $9,997
When you join Irresistible on Instagram today, your TOTAL investment is MUCH LOWER.
of $297
(Just $297 today!)
ALL the Sparkle Steps *6 comprehensive action steps of awesomeness!* ($1782 VALUE!)
- Video lessons walking you through each step of the program ($946 VALUE!)
- 24/7 complete VIP access for me to personally help tweak your bio and answer any question you have, ever, inside our private, intimate Sisterhood Facebook Group ($4997 VALUE!)
- ALL of the bonuses to soar your success to ever-increasing heights ($2272 VALUE!)
TOTAL VALUE = $9,997
When you join Irresistible on Instagram today, your TOTAL investment is MUCH LOWER.
1 Payment
of $997
(Save 15% by paying in FULL!)
After YEARS of exhausting myself doing in-person networking and berating myself for not “doing” more, I’ve unlocked a simple system for making the internet my cash machine…
…and it all starts with an Irresistible Instagram presence.
You won’t even BELIEVE how FAST you’ll get results.

Rhonda (an It Works rep at the time, now with Üforia Science) wanted to start growing her biz on social, but was feeling overwhelmed and not sure which direction to head in. She started at about 400 followers on her IG account. Within 6 months, she was up to 4000 (which means she grew by a rate of 600 followers per month!) Now, she’s getting steady sales and signups and her biz is soaring because she has CONFIDENCE in the way she runs her feed. She said she felt my process was SO easy to implement, even as a total beginner. (She’s a total pro these days!)

Sarah was seriously contemplating quitting her entire business because she was so frustrated and feeling broke. She was trying SO HARD on social to make it work… but it just WASN’T. Sarah had zero engagement or interest when she began the program with about 75 followers (who were mostly friends and family.) Over the span of 2 months, she focused on applying every single thing I shared with her and her account grew to 2200 followers. She started getting SALES and SIGNUPS strictly from IG.
Fast forward another 4 months and she now has over 9k active followers and is absolutely in LOVE with the platform. She receives 15 messages per day from potential customers and teammates… and she does NOT cold message ANYONE. She has gone from $0 in commission to having a full-time income in her biz, working from home.
Sarah NOW has a dependable process and way of doing things she can repeat month after month to keep herself and her family FREE.

Jennifer joined Irresistible on Instagram because she wanted to climb the ranks in her company. She also wanted to make sure she knew how to stand out amongst the ocean of other reps promoting the same product. After she completed the program and implemented ALL the Sparkle Steps, within about 2 months she was receiving message after message from eager-to-buy followers that told her things like, “I have 2 other friends that sell the same product, but I wanna buy from YOU.” Her confidence is soaring, her business is drastically different and she even PROMOTED to a new rank in her company!
Results like these are ONLY possible for those part of the Irresistible on Instagram fam. You simply will NOT get results like these by going it alone without a mentor to guide you and encourage your journey.
Signing up customers and teammates is HARD when you don’t know what you DON’T know. My students and I have been EXACTLY where you are now (we’ve seen it all and been in the trenches) and have made it to the other side, so please DO NOT waste time staying on the hamster wheel.
Irresistible on Instagram will teach you exactly how to grow your business, build a trusting fanbase and get more customers and teammates… and I’ll be holding your hand every step of the way.
“I was sharing with a friend yesterday how much I appreciate Charity (and told her she should check her out!) because Charity started me on the IG highway and I’ll forever be grateful.
I can TELL when I DON’T follow the #InstaHappyRich way!
Charity makes such a difference to so many people and her sparkly, glittery self has impacted my ability to make new friends on IG in countless ways. Thank you!”
– Daria Rosen, Neora Brand Partner

“I have had confidence issues in the past and Charity’s feedback on my account really made me feel amazing.
I am implementing all of Charity’s tips and she honestly helped validate some big changes I’d been considering making to my content and relieved so much stress that had been plaguing me.
I’m so excited and I can’t rave enough about Charity’s teaching! You simply MUST have this in your life.”
– Renae Fife, Value Chick

“I feel FABULOUS! You told me how amazing, incredible and worthy I am… and I believe it now!
I was trying so hard on Instagram before, but NOW, I feel so empowered and equipped to make new friends there, mama!
– Lynette Molina, LE-VEL Promoter

YES, PLEASE! I need this more than CHOCOLATE!
In 6 weeks, you’ll have a bigger prospect pool, tons more customers, loads of teammates, a thriving biz, and WAYYYY LESS stress and mess in your life.
…so choose your plan NOW.
I want you to know that I’ve been where you are now… I was SICK and TIRED… but I was also determined NOT to fail.
I was watching all these people in my company go to astronomical ranks within months… and it made me sick and mad.
I wasn’t enviously wishing ill upon them… (Hey, more power to them!) BUT I was angry that it wasn’t ME, too!
*I felt like I was missing out.*
I knew I was meant for bigger things and I didn’t understand why no one was telling me the real secret to success in my business.
So I made it my mission to figure out all these secrets…
I dug deep and found out that many, MANY of the top network marketers & direct sellers use Instagram to build their businesses.
So, I started an Instagram account, posted 6 times per day and waited for the MONEY to roll in…
…BUT… *le sigh* that’s NOT what happened.
Here I was, a gal genuinely trying to help people and I couldn’t get where I wanted no matter how hard I tried.
I was posting the recommended crap: cute/funny memes… selfies… “behind-the-scenes…” recipes… what I had for lunch… WHY WASN’T IT WORKING?!
I felt like a gigantic failure.
I felt I had so much to share, but it seemed like no one would care unless I had a certain rank to my name.
BUT– how would I get THERE if no one CARED about what I shared? #Problems #ThatDoesntMakeSense
A lot has changed since then.

I finally realized: It’s not really WHAT you post… it’s WHO you’re posting for. And THAT changed everything for me.
Now, I have over 22,000 dedicated, loving fans and a customer base of over 600 beautiful people who have been following me and buying repeatedly for 7 years now.
But, I will NEVER forget how it felt to be annoying my friends and family, just WISHING someone would care enough. Like, maybe just the ONE right signup would be the ticket.
Since I gained such massive success in my years on Instagram, I had sooo many of my teammates begging for me to sit down and teach them the #InstaHappyRich way…
So I developed a complete process for creating a rockin’ money-makin’ Instagram account and it’s available to you NOW.
The methods I created inside Irresistible on Instagram lead you through every single step of my proven approach to becoming a social selling siren who signs up loads of customers like it’s no prob, has people lining up to sign with HER and has loads of fun every single day. THAT is the #InstaHappyRich way!

If Irresistible on Instagram! isn’t the right fit for you, send me an email within 14 days of purchase and I’ll give you your money back like it’s no prob. Hakuna matata, no worries!
“BAM! I am SO EXCITED to report I just got an order from my Instagram account! I’m SUPER pumped, learning and growing while posting more quality content and just feeling so good after going through Irresistible on Instagram.”
– Bethany Hickey, Counselor and Coach

“Just had another purchase from an Instagram fan! SO exciting! And… I had another gal join my FB group who said she FOUND ME through Insta. All my efforts are FINALLY paying off!”
– Samantha Liddle, Premier Design Jeweler

“Charity Nicole changed my Insta LIFE. Before I started using her strategies, my posts were very serious and I didn’t have much engagement. Now that I have gone through Irresistible on Instagram, I know EXACTLY how to showcase my personality and use it in my marketing strategy. Within 48 hours, I went from 647 to 848 followers. 141 NEW TARGETED PROSPECTS! I’ve even had 2 of those people book a consultation with me!”
– Petra Foster, High-Ticket Sales Coach

In 6 weeks you can have:
+ A social presence that brings in $$$
+ More customers and teammates
+ A thriving business
+ And WAY LESS stress in your life
…so choose your plan NOW.
YES, PLEASE! I need this more than CHOCOLATE!
It’s on like Donkey Kong. Team up with me in this incredibly life-changing program! I guarantee you’re going to emphatically and gleefully love where “future you” will be in just 6 weeks.

Heyyyy… I KNOW you’re busy. I completely get it. I’m stay-at-home mom, homemaker, devoted wife and idea-laden hyper-minded entrepreneur who also suffers with chronic pain, anxiety and mental trauma.
I only have the capacity to put about 8 scattered hours per week into my biz (maybe.)
I do NOT have the time, energy or mood stability to do endless live streams or “network” (AKA suck up to a bunch of people, with this weird unspoken agreement I’ll find business for them.) Nah, dude. ? #Weird
People share MY NAME because they WANT TO. No asking required on my part.
That is the beauty of positive persuasion and cheeky charm. (Which is what YOU are about to learn.)
I know what’s it’s like to push yourself to exhaustion, burnout and utter hopelessness.
When I finally STOPPED trying to imitate other people and do things THEIR condescending and demeaning way e.g. “if you don’t join me, you’re stupid” kind of way… and INSTEAD led with my empathy and DOABLE ways of communicating with my ideal peeps, I started SHINING.
I want people to feel LOVED when I speak with them, not talked down to or belittled! I also didn’t want to be a workaholic anymore because my family was more important than ANYTHING!
So I created my own system and IGNORED all that bad advice; I developed a NEW way of working so my days were blissful, joyful and FUN. And it WORKED.
I poured my heart into Irresistible on Instagram because my compassion went out to all the other gals I saw running themselves ragged and feeling crappy like I did. I knew I needed to spread the word that there IS a better way.
This is NOT just “a course about Instagram.” I’ve done FAR better for you than that.
This is a process you can follow for LIFE that will completely transform everything you know about your business and the way you run it.
It’s comprehensive. It’s simple. It’s nice. And you’ll gain SO many customers and connections who adore you FOREVER INFINITY with these skills.
I’ve been blessed to witness the incredible transformation HUNDREDS of my students have gone through in their lives and businesses and now…? YOU’RE NEXT.
“Before I joined Irresistible on Instagram, I was so uninterested in Instagram and hashtags and all that jazz because I didn’t understand WHY I needed them to be successful. But I KNEW I had to grow my brand presence on social media somehow, especially because Facebook is now so locked down on what posts ACTUALLY get seen by people.
I created my IG account from scratch and grew to 86 followers within a couple weeks. Now I know that’s not a huge number, BUT I am still growing every day in followers and engagement from perfect strangers instead of just friends and family.
I am also THRILLED that in less than 1 month on Instagram, I got a SALE from a complete stranger. I am so excited now to focus on building my audience and brand even more! ”
– Marilyn Serrano, Rodan + Fields Consultant

“Since I have been in Irresistible on Instagram, I’ve been able to quit bugging people about my products and opportunity. I have been able to SOLELY use Instagram as my source of prospects.
Within the past few days, I received an inquiry from someone who wants to buy! And ANOTHER from someone who wants to re-sign up now that she has seen what I’m doing! It feels SO good to have people coming to ME like this!”
– Helen Schnapf Williams, It Works! Distributor

Ready to say “I DO!”? Enroll with us TODAY!
“Oh my goodness, I’m SO in!”
Now all you have to do is pick the payment option that works best for you! If you choose the split-pay plan, you’ll only pay the 1st portion today and the 2nd payment will come out automatically next month. No matter what your financial situation, building your biz the #InstaHappyRich way is accessible and affordable. Your payment is 100% safe – it’s secured by PayPal and you can use any payment method PayPal accepts.
“YES, PLEASE! I need this more than CHOCOLATE!” ?
ALL the Sparkle Steps *6 comprehensive action steps of awesomeness!* ($1782 VALUE!)
- Video lessons walking you through each step of the program ($946 VALUE!)
- 24/7 complete VIP access for me to personally help tweak your bio and answer any question you have, ever, inside our private, intimate Sisterhood Facebook Group ($4997 VALUE!)
- ALL of the bonuses to soar your success to ever-increasing heights ($2272 VALUE!)
TOTAL VALUE = $9,997
When you join Irresistible on Instagram today, your TOTAL investment is MUCH LOWER.
of $297
(Just $297 today!)
ALL the Sparkle Steps *6 comprehensive action steps of awesomeness!* ($1782 VALUE!)
- Video lessons walking you through each step of the program ($946 VALUE!)
- 24/7 complete VIP access for me to personally help tweak your bio and answer any question you have, ever, inside our private, intimate Sisterhood Facebook Group ($4997 VALUE!)
- ALL of the bonuses to soar your success to ever-increasing heights ($2272 VALUE!)
TOTAL VALUE = $9,997
When you join Irresistible on Instagram today, your TOTAL investment is MUCH LOWER.
1 Payment
of $997
(Save 15% by paying in FULL!)
Still have Q’s? I have answers.
- “Is this program ONLY for network marketers and direct sellers? For example, if I made my own course and wanna sell it, will this program help me?” I have SOOO many students who are coaches, course creators and consultants that are wildly successful using my methods!!! This program is perfect for ANY solopreneur who wants to UP their social selling skills. You’re NEXT!
- “Do people really buy stuff from people they met on Instagram?” You bet your booty they do! I would sit in my bathtub at midnight closing sales from customers time and time again on IG. I know they do.
- “Can I really grow my following like you and these other ladies have?” YES! YES! AND YES! It’s not as hard as you THINK. You just have to learn, be consistent and implement the #InstaHappyRich way!
- “What if I fall behind? Do I only have a certain amount of time to complete the program?” When you join us, you have LIFETIME access to this program and our group. As long as the group exists, you’ll remain a member. We still have members in our group from 2015 and the program has gotten better over time so they revisit the materials often. Think how many direct sales gal veterans you’re about to meet that are happy to guide you as well!
- “Will you show me, even as a person who doesn’t HAVE an Instagram account at all yet HOW to set it up from scratch?” YES! This is a program for beginners as well as seasoned social users.
- “Is this course JUST for beginners?” NO! This is a program for ALL LEVELS! I go DEEP. Even if you’re seasoned, I want you to go through the ENTIRE program to be sure you have every single fundamental in place that I recommend. Many times, a student will go through the beginner materials and realize that the way they have things set up currently is just NOT conducive to attracting the RIGHT people from the start. I don’t want you to waste any time at all or go around in circles, so TRUST the process, my dear!
- “I’m thinking about switching companies/changing my business. Will this program help me no matter what direction I take in the future?” YES. I have people from so many different companies in this program (you can see the list above.) You don’t need to be able to predict the future in order to be successful. You have to decide that your time is NOW and that you’re ready…
- “Can I find local prospects using these methods?” YES. I did it all the time and have helped others do it.
- “Will I get personal help from you and be able to ask questions inside the group?” YES! 24/7 you can pop into our private members-only Facebook group and ask away. I’m more than happy to give you personal feedback on your questions in a timely manner. Questions are going to arise about your specific situation while you’re going through the program and that’s exactly what the group sisterhood is for. We are here to help you!
- “Could I get the same results just using Facebook?” NO. It is against Facebook’s terms of service to use your personal profile as an outlet for your business. They will completely shut you down if they see too many promotional posts. As for a Facebook biz page, it is a mainly pay-to-play model. If you’ve got money to advertise steadily every single month to get your posts seen and you have money to buy a fanbase there, and if you’ve got a lead system in place that will lead your prospects to the next step, and if you wanna spend hours a day posting in random groups and other weird things, then sure, just Facebook might be able to work for you. But if you wanna do things organically without paid advertising, this program is for you.
- “There are already SO MANY people in my company/niche on Instagram. How can I possibly stand out?” I totally hear you! I want you to look around. How many of them are TRULY unique in what they’re offering? They might be in the exact same company as you, but when YOU are in alignment with your purpose and posting about things that are unique to you and YOUR ideal audience (that I’m gonna help you get in touch with,) you have NO competition.
- “What is your return policy?” Please know, girlie that this program is for DOERS— it’s Neiman Marcus quality stuff. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna love this almost as much as strawberry cheesecake, but if something comes up that doesn’t float your boat, let me know within 14 days from date of purchase and I’ll make it right… but I believe you’re gonna be over-the-moon happy with your enrollment!
- “Can’t I just figure this out on my own?” NO. You can play on Instagram for YEARS, never reaching the results on your own that I’ve helped my students achieve. Signups and sales don’t just occur by happenstance. This program is based on tried-and-true methodology and systems, created by a former direct seller, social media persuader est. 2004 and a highly-trained do-it-all internet marketer. You MUST have everything I’ll share with you in place before you can seriously create your dream life through your biz.
- “What if I don’t have TIME to learn a new social media platform?” Listen, I know learning a new social media platform can be totally exhausting to think about… New skills are always going to take some time, but let me ask you: do you think your time is spent WELL by handing out business cards, or doing events hoping some good people will show up or spending an hour doing a presentation with 5 people there and it’s super awkward…? Or do you think it would be BETTER served by targeting hundreds of the EXACT right people likely to buy from you in just minutes a day so you can spend more time with your family (instead of feeling those pangs of guilt for working too hard when you could be with your babies)?!
- “When will this program be offered again?” Not sure yet! If enrollment is open as you’re reading this, come on in NOW before we close the doors. If we’re closed, hop on the waitlist to be notified when we open up again!
YES, PLEASE! I need this more than CHOCOLATE!
It’s time to make social selling FUN again.
In 6 weeks, you’ll have:
? a tidal wave of prospects
? tons more eager buyers
?♀️ teammates that think you’re the bee’s knees
? a thriving biz
? and WAYYYY LESS stress & mess in your life