Vision gives pain a purpose.

Listen to me.

I just found this quote: “Vision gives pain a purpose.” A minister named Kris Vallotton said it some time ago…

I told someone a couple days ago that I’ve been in this bout of darkness and depression, yet, despite feeling hopeless, one of the things that enlivens hope in me is the creative endeavor of writing this blog.

It’s a double-edged sword: I feel hopeful to be doing anything at all and at least putting something purposeful out here. Yet, I still feel hopeless because I can’t *really* see some kind of grand vision. 😭

It’s almost like God crosses the wires in my mind so that I can’t see more than a few feet in front of me; like driving in the fog, being terrified you’re gonna hit a deer, but every second that goes by, you say to yourself, “Breathe. So far, so good. Not much longer ‘til you’re home.”

Time to throw another quote at you, this time, from the ever-illustrious Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.” How fitting.

I stated in my last blog that I have absolutely no agenda to convince anybody of anything, which is really a first for me. I’ve always prided myself on being an “agenda-driven person” because I think having an agenda much of the time keeps one focused and on track. When you don’t have a container for your activities, life feels very haphazard, even if you don’t always (or a lot of the time lol) stick to the routine or ideas. At least they exist. They’re like the rocket that Carrie’s you instead of floating aimlessly in space. (Sorry I don’t have Princess Leia’s force flying ability.) 🫠

Anyway, so if the vision gives pain a purpose, I surely hope this is what God has in mind and I’m doing the right thing by writing this. It certainly FEELS good to make them. And I have a good heart intent, even if it’s not an “agenda.” It’s a DIRECTION. I guess the difference between agenda and intent is that one feels rigid and hard and the other is a loose guide that allows for wiggle room along the way.

NGL, I kinda like that. 😌

Let’s see where we end up. 🤍

Accompanying Fb post: (here)

I’m working on an endeavor. 🌸 I have nothing else to say except: “I’m excited about it.”

I really didn’t even wanna post this, but I loved the picture I made *too much* not to share it. 🩷

(That’s when I think you’re onto something…) 😌

‼️ Excitement (noun): a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.



💞 elation

💞 animation

💞 enthusiasm

💞 eagerness

💞 anticipation

💞 feverishness

💞 fever

💞 emotion

💞 fire

💞 fieriness

💞 intensity

💞 zeal

💞 zest

💞 pep

💞 vim

💞 zing

💞 spark


😭 boredom

😭 indifference

Share me like a sundae…