Stop shrinking to fit places you’ve outgrown.
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✨Stop shrinking to fit places you’ve outgrown.
It’s high time I’ve shared some things I’ve been thinking about with you…
(P.S. This is a long one, but totes worth the read. You might wanna grab a delish cuppa somethin’ hot first. Even though says it’ll take you 7 minutes to read, the hot drink will help keep you focused. Yay!)
Lemme ask you– Have you ever sat down and wrote out EXACTLY how you WANT your biz to look and feel?
Like, on a daily, weekly, even monthly basis: what do you even WANT to be doing?
Are you just going through the motions of some plan you created a long time ago, but it doesn’t exactly fill you with joy anymore?
Maybe you’re mustering up every ounce of strength you have to even go on?
Maybe you’re loving life and biz, which is amazing! (But I’d love for you to keep reading, so that when you hit the rough points *which eventually you will* my story will impart wisdom about how to move past it.)
Maybe you never even MADE a plan in the first place and you’re kinda running on suggestions like the Coyote trying to catch the Roadrunner, just hoping to snag your next customer, but not really sure what’s going on… ?
Idk. Only you know how you feel about things as they stand.
If you had to write a college essay, right this moment, about how your biz and life are looking and feeling, would it match up to a second essay about how you WANT to feel and how you WANT things to look?
If the reality and the vision don’t match, it’s time to change some things…
When I first started this #InstaHappyRich business, I did it with my Instagram account and a free Facebook group.
It was ALL awesome and I was receiving SOOO much excitement, enthusiasm, heart-pounding motivation and praise.
It was a dream come true to be so well-received jumping straight out of my niche of being a direct seller (with It Works) and into teaching my methods of signing up massive amounts of prospects through Instagram.
I didn’t know for sure if the whole thing would work. But it totally did. And I will be forever thankful and pleased. ?
As I finally learned all things internet marketing, and actually implemented what I was learning like: how to create a website, a blog, an email list, a freebie, a webinar, landing pages and sales pages, etc… something shifted.
My business started to feel super hard.
I can’t even tell you when I got that feeling, but it was there.
I tried to shove all my current systems into a new way of being and even though those systems served me SUPER well as a direct seller… as someone who was stepping into the role of teacher, mentor, coach and course creator, it was like shoving a square peg into a round hole.
Now, I know we could come up with a million ideas of cool stuff to DO in our businesses. Like I was doing.
But do ALL those things REALLY call to our hearts and souls? Nope.
I’ve been going back and forth on this question now for the past few months.
My main priority in life is being the BEST stay-at-home mom, wife, homemaker, teacher I can possibly be.
Because things felt so out-of-sorts in my biz, I was wildly distracted from that main purpose and it finally all came to a head.
? So I decided to restructure my whole life.
I decided to be a ? homemaker FIRST.
A stay-at-home mom ??FIRST.
A wife ? and daughter ?♀️ FIRST.
I decided that I wouldn’t spend more than 5 hours per week on anything in my business going forward.
I am now SO intentional with those 5 hours and I know that whatever happens with my biz, it’s in God’s hands ? and I have done my absolute best to serve and only speak what is on my heart ? to share.
A lot of you reading, and other gals out there, are in the same boat where our business goals have gotten out of control.
We aren’t happy with our accomplishments and start comparing ourselves to people who make 6 figures in 6 days and feel ? inadequate.
But what if we can ALL hand-in-hand help each other to work minimally and be domestically/personally responsible FIRST, and still create an income that is meaningful for our families?
It doesn’t take much work to do that.
A lot of people who talk about their HUGE businesses also have HUGE teams and HUGE stress and HUGE responsibilities and burdens that were never supposed to be on OUR radar.
The idea of working 80 hours per week in order to be a multi-millionaire doesn’t sound too fun to me, nor does having to manage a team of people. (There’s a reason most people don’t have Trump money. It’s like, a LOT, of work.)
I dig the solopreneur life and I don’t think I’m ever gonna change that.
I love my #InstaHappyRich family and I enjoy being vulnerable and honest and real and that I get to help people despite my personal struggles with trauma and chronic pain.
If I can do it? You can do it.
We work WITH our limitations; we don’t pretend they aren’t there just to impress other people who could never understand what it’s like.
Has your life gotten off-track from your original intentions?
✨Wanna bring it back into focus together?✨

Glow-Getter: The driven gal who achieves goals in her own sustainable way that makes her feel awesome while attaining a gorgeous glow both inside and out. #InstaHappyRich
All this leads me to sharing with you what’s next for my personal journey and our path together.
For a very long time, I’ve wanted to branch out from JUST teaching Instagram and JUST teaching direct sellers and network marketers.
All my peeps like you have a HUGE place in my heart and I know I can reach even more amazing ladies with a message of a different scope.
I want to help more people like me that have limitations no matter what they have going on in their life.
If you live in chronic pain, I want to help you.
If you have low energy, I want to help you.
If you have a bajillion kids, I want to help you.
If you’ve been through unimaginable trauma or abuse in your past that causes you to process things differently from others and people call you “too sensitive,” I want to help you.
If your emotions spiral on a regular basis and you’re prone to depression and anxiety, I want to help you.
If you have any physical or mental maladies at all, I want to help you.
Whatever the reason you want to work only a few hours per week and still make a meaningful income, I can help you.
I didn’t decide to teach Instagram to direct sellers until I had been rocking IG myself for 2.5 years and my system was #OnFleek, tested, consistently getting results and proven.
Now, I can stack on top of that (almost) 5 years of being OUT of direct selling and strictly selling my own courses and programs.
I have DOUBLE the lessons I’ve learned the HARD way to share… so you won’t have to!!!
My priority has always been time freedom. But I totally lost sight of it for awhile.
I got scared to post what I wanted to post.
I kept being targeted by narcissists who made me doubt every lovely thing about myself.
When your confidence is infected, it’s hard to do much of anything.
A lot of the time you don’t even realize something like that is happening, it’s so insidious.
I haven’t sent out a newsletter in 10 months because I wanted to take a new direction, but I didn’t know what that looked like.
I wanted to still be niched and not some rando coach who pretends to know everything and shares canned crap on social media all day or in a newsletter just to be “visible.”
Nah, man. I wanted to FEEL the fire ? before I popped into your inbox again regularly.
Today, I’m showing up because this matters VERY much to me and I hope it matters to you.
My heart is to serve you and truly help make your life & biz better.
I hope I have inspired you to gaze upon how your life is looking right now and ask yourself, “is this what I really want?”
So… what’s next?
Well, I’ve been selling myself on social media since 2004.
I’m not a “blogger,” in the same way a lot of people are… I’ve sort of done things backwards all these years and had my insights scattered amongst my Instagram, FB profile, biz page, free group, etc.
Like… do you know how exhausting it is to keep up with all of that as just ONE person?
I don’t know of anyone else who strictly used social media WITHOUT a legit blog for the bulk of their messaging for as long as I have. I’m the original social media gangster. (That’s OG if you’re hip. ?)

O.G. or original gangster or real OG or triple OG: OG is a slang term for someone who’s incredibly exceptional, authentic, or “old-school.” It can be earnestly used for a legend like Michael Jordan or more ironically, like for that friend who can unwrap a Starburst with their mouth.
I have amassed over 600 customers who buy everything I’m selling over and over like hot cakes on repeat.
(That’s without spending my entire profit margin on ads just to say “I had a 6-figure launch.” Many of the people you see doing that literally go in the hole financially because they spend more on ads than they net so they can claim to make 6 figures. Much of the time, it’s smoke and mirrors. I have NEVER done this.)
I’ve spent less than 10% of whatever I’ve made in profit on paid ads throughout the years.
The rest of my sales come from my social selling methods that are organic, learnable and doable.
My two favorite things to do online are writing what I know and making pretty pictures to match.
So I’ve decided to branch out from simply being THE Instagram Rockstar and onto stepping into my grand title of THE Social Selling Siren. I can’t think of a more charming, fun, eloquent way to explain what I do succinctly. I’m totally feeling it.
I want to help YOU become soooo socially irresistible that, when you meet cool people online, they’ll just fall head over heels with your charm instantly and buy whatever you’re selling.
And I want to help you do it in as LITTLE time as possible so you can focus on all the other stuff in your stratosphere.
I hope you’ll stay with me on this journey.
In order to become what you’re meant to be, you must be willing to experiment, right?
I have soooooo many life-enhancing tidbits to share, as well as ideas for new offerings and workshops and guides to help you shine in a way that no one else can duplicate.
No one can be YOU.
I’m here to help you bring to light the little child inside you who has vast, all-encompassing creative dreams, ideas and plans.
That little child was on a mission to express her full, beautiful self. And it’s never been easier to let her shine and sparkle in all her glory for the world to see!
Yes, I’ll still be talking about Instagram sometimes (just in a different way.)
Yes, we’re all still #InstaHappyRich.
Yes, the entire essence of what I’ll be sharing is uniquely, genuinely, authentically Charity. Don’t worry a bit. #Charitypiphanies
I so desperately want us ALL to live the #InstaHappyRich life in an all-encompassing way.
Being #InstaHappyRich means, and has always meant, that you have the choice to be happy and rich… instantly.
You don’t need to wait for someone’s permission to change your mood, your mindset and your entire life today, right this second.
This is about SO much more than just our businesses– this is our LEGACY!
The way we live is how people will remember us long after we’re gone, and I’d like to make a lasting, meaningful impact on the generations to come. How ’bout you?
I’m not exactly sure how all these changes are gonna play out, but I’m keeping my eyes, ears and heart open to creating anything that’s in my spirit to share with the people that need it! ?
I’m simply shifting the sands to find even more of my right people so I can serve you in a way that lights up my entire insides… as well as provide an even warmer, sparklier glow online. ?
To phase out the glorious time of THE Instagram Rockstar, I’m holding a closing celebration to which you are ALL cordially invited: the final run of the #InstaHappyRich: 5-Day Instaventure in its current incarnation.
More friends, followers & funds? YES, please!
You can read more details about it and register here.
It’s a timed, live event that’s absolutely raved about and it’s my chance to serve all you lovely direct sellers, network marketers and MLM gals one more time exclusively.
While you’re waiting for our party to start, I’ve made you a roundup of every post on my site specifically written for YOU, my dear…
I call it “The Perfect Pick-Me-Up” and I truly hope it lifts your spirit and soars your social presence!
Thank you endlessly for your beautiful support, your friendship, your cheerleading and your kindness.
Muah! ? Hugs, hope and hashtags.
Always remember, YOU are truly Instamazing!
Have an #InstaHappyRich Day!
? Charity
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