Be strong. Be courageous. Be you.
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✨If you don’t know me by now…
Lemme just tell you: I’m HERE for you. I’m in it for the long haul.
I’m extremely loyal, sometimes to a fault, and it’s SO important for me not JUST to teach you how to use Instagram for your biz, but I truly hope to enrich your life as well.
It takes a special person to be an entrepreneur and I know we have arrows shot at us all the time from people who just don’t get it, so I really want to encourage you today!
“We were made to be courageous; we were made to lead the way.” -Casting Crowns
If you’ve ever dreamed of being a leader or if you’ve ever dreamed of being SUCCESSFUL in life, then you MUST get EXCITED about what you’re doing in order to get other people excited about it as well!
People do NOT want to follow a negative, dull, disillusioned person.
Darling, you MUST be excited as well as enthusiastic. And let’s not forget… You gotta be a little bit tough.
Building a business may be one of the hardest things you ever do.
You’ve got to pull it together throughout your entrepreneurial journey, hold onto all the strength you can muster and give it your most valiant effort.
Seriously, maybe if you’re new, you have never experienced what I’m about to share with you… but from what I’ve observed?
Sometimes the people closest to you can be the MEANEST about what you’re trying to accomplish with your biz.
Maybe you have a super supportive partner but your circle of friends is less-than-enthused when you bring up your business.
You may find people all around you trying to discourage you, telling you that what you’re trying to accomplish is just a pipe dream. Or possibly those people are just ignoring your business completely, hoping it will go away. (Which really hurts, I know.)
Maybe some people are telling you they don’t have time for this crazy “scheme” you’ve got going… maybe they’re posting in your comments that you’re a downright liar or scam artist for sharing testimonies about your products. (Yes, unfortunately, this does happen to the nicest of direct sellers.)
Sadly, some people want you to quit on your goals because it gives THEM an excuse to not even try.
How tragic is that?
But you’re different. I can tell.
The people who do BIG things are the ones who keep going no matter what obstacles they face.
Failure is not losing the battle; it’s surrendering a surefire victory.
You can’t #WIN if you give up on yourself. You will always find a justification or a reason to quit if you look for one. There will always be SOMETHING attempting to distract you.
The real heroes of the world are the ones who won’t back down. So I dare you to be COURAGEOUS.
Take a stand for what you want out of life.
Take a stand for all the ones watching you who are afraid to do what you’re doing.
Maybe nobody’s listening to you yet, but everybody’s watching.
Be like the energizer bunny. KEEP GOING AND GOING AND GOING…
You better bet I’ve had those lovely examples I shared with you happen to me. But hey, I’m still here: Still posting on Instagram. Still getting leads for my biz. Still helping my students get sales & signups. Still having a BLAST. My stuff WORKS.
Good thing I didn’t listen to the haterz.
Don’t let me catch you doing it either. You’ve got this.
Now I’d love to hear from you!
Has anybody been taking jabs at your biz? Maybe they did awhile ago, but the feelings are lingering, making you feel less than awesome… ? Head over to @CharityNicoleXOXO, leave a comment and tell me all about it. I’d love to help.
Don’t worry– there’s no shame in the #InstaHappyRich game! We’re growing better, never bitter. We are building an amazing tribe of #InstaHappyRich entrepreneurs using Instagram to build their biz every day. Your story could be what someone else needs to read to keep going on their journey! Building a business is not easy; that’s why we’re all in this together!
If you have friends or a teammate who needs this today, would you be so kind to share it with them? You could be the change someone else needs in their biz!
Thanks so much in advance for commenting and sharing. You are truly Instamazing. ? Have an #InstaHappyRich day.
Hugs, hope and hashtags!
? Charity
You deserve to have the freedom life you’re chasing after! Make small, incremental tweaks every week and you WILL get there!
✨ As always, I’m here for you to help you achieve bigger and bigger success on your journey. To get started on an excellent foot, check out ALL THE FREE GIFTS & GOODIES I made for you which will help you get followers & signups using IG starting today!
✨Ready to become a Sales Siren that makes all the prospects drool with delight over your products and clamour to be on your team? Treat yourself to some fabulous trainings & shop the BIZ BOUTIQUE today!
✨ I don’t JUST teach how to post cute pictures on Instagram; I teach COMPLETE marketing systems and secrets so YOU can BE the Prospect Princess that gets ALL the peeps signed up with you! If you’re ready to FINALLY receive that paycheck you’ve been dreaming of? Here’s how to WORK WITH ME.
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More posts? Comin’ right up!