Is a business profile right for your Instagram?
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✨Is a business profile right for your instagram account?
So, if you’ve taken any notice at all to the small blue bar popping up on your Instagram account, you’ll see that Instagram is asking you if you’d like to switch to a Business Profile.
Now, some of you may have been like “YES! Got to get me some of that!” ?
And others including me were like, “Hmm. Yeah, let me see how this goes for other people first.” (Always the cautious one.)
If you’ve already been investigating having a biz profile for yourself, that’s great. I love your proactive nature.
But remember, what you’ve seen on other blogs might not pertain to YOUR business as a direct seller or network marketer.
The way other small businesses run are sometimes completely different to the way network marketers should do things.
So I’m here to help you weigh the pros and cons and make an educated decision on what’s right for your biz.
Ready? Let’s dive in!
PRO: You’ll have the option for your prospects to tap the CONTACT button and email you, call you or find your location.
Now, as a direct seller, I don’t see any benefit to your location being there because, hello, you don’t want creepers coming to your house, right?
If you have an actual office, totally go for it. This also comes in handy if you want people to be able to tap your location and load it into the Maps app on their phone. The address shows directly below your bio.
PRO: A Business Profile links to your Facebook Biz Page in its workings, so it’ll tell people what kind of business you have.
For instance, mine says I’m a “public figure.” But yours might say “health and wellness,” “blogger” or whatever you have listed for your Facebook Biz Page.
PRO: Perhaps my FAVE feature about an Instagram biz profile is the EXTRA analytics it provides you. You get to learn more about who your followers are, what they’re interested in, the times they are most active, and even more details about what you’re posting.
CON: You can just use other sites like the ones below to do the same. Go figure.
PRO: You can advertise and “boost” your posts similar to Facebook’s feature ads.
CON: You can just do the same through Facebook’s power editor on Google Chrome.
My advice, though, is NEVER use paid ads until you have become a lead-generating machine of awesomeness using FREE strategies FIRST. (To learn exactly how to get free leads coming to you every single day, check out Rock Your Biz on Instagram!)
These sound like ah-maze-ing new features, right?
Like why am I not switching to this RIGHT NOW?
Here’s why.
CON: I’m not a risk-taker. I don’t trust that Facebook won’t mess up my followers seeing my posts on IG like they did with Facebook biz pages.
So I’m kinda like, eh, I’m not sure I want to make this change just in case.
If it ain’t broke, why try to tinker with it?
So for me personally, I wasn’t seeing the benefit. I want my potential customers to download my freebie and get into my tribe through the links in my bio.
But for YOU, that CONTACT button COULD be a huge benefit.
If you want to direct people to call or text you immediately about your biz, that could help tons.
Just remember, the whole reason we are using Instagram is a way to get lots of FREE leads, so you have to weigh what matters more to you: your posts potentially not being seen as MUCH or having those extra contact details.
CON: As a direct seller, I’m not too sure if someone may see it as off-putting displaying yourself as a business first and foremost.
My businesses have always thrived on the personal connection I make with people.
So I like them coming to me and getting to know me a bit FIRST on a personal level, THEN establishing a biz relationship.
Just decide if you feel your content caters better to being upfront about existing as a business profile.
There are all the things you need to weigh when making this switch.
Neither is right or wrong; it all depends on YOU and your business.
- First, head to your settings, yo. You can either follow the steps from the little blue bar or if you don’t have it anymore, go to your account settings by hitting the cog in the upper right hand corner, and tap Switch to Business Profile.
- Connect to the Facebook Biz for your current business. (See why I always echo that your profile needs to feature ONE business, not five? Hmm.)
- Then enter the contact info you want your peeps to see.
- Well, that was easy!
I truly hope this helped you! And hey, if you switched and it sucks, you can ALWAYS switch back to a personal profile.
Now I’d love to hear from you!
I want to invite you to share your experience if you decided to make the switch by leaving me a comment over at @CharityNicoleXOXO! I’d love to hear what you have to say! ?
Don’t worry– there’s no shame in the #InstaHappyRich game! We’re growing better, never bitter. We are building an amazing tribe of #InstaHappyRich entrepreneurs using Instagram to build their biz every day. Your story could be what someone else needs to read to keep going on their journey! Building a business is not easy; that’s why we’re all in this together!
If you have friends or a teammate who needs this today, would you be so kind to share it with them? You could be the change someone else needs in their biz!
Thanks so much in advance for commenting and sharing. You are truly Instamazing. ? Have an #InstaHappyRich day.
Hugs, hope and hashtags!
? Charity
You deserve to have the freedom life you’re chasing after! Make small, incremental tweaks every week and you WILL get there!
✨ As always, I’m here for you to help you achieve bigger and bigger success on your journey. To get started on an excellent foot, check out ALL THE FREE GIFTS & GOODIES I made for you which will help you get followers & signups using IG starting today!
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✨ I don’t JUST teach how to post cute pictures on Instagram; I teach COMPLETE marketing systems and secrets so YOU can BE the Prospect Princess that gets ALL the peeps signed up with you! If you’re ready to FINALLY receive that paycheck you’ve been dreaming of? Here’s how to WORK WITH ME.
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